Marketing automation
Marketing automation is how you scale businesses and leverage the power of technology to 10x the capabilities of a single employee (without burning them out in the process). From email and SMS marketing flows, to data segmentation triggers and so much more, the power of automation removes manual tasks, and can save your team hours each week to refocus on higher priority work.

Marketing automation articles

Predicting churn risk with a CLV model

Learn how to use the Klaviyo customer lifetime value (CLV) prediction model to predict customer churn more accurately than with a standard academic model.

Profile photo of author Tiff Regaudie
Tiff Regaudie
10min read
small article card header in poppy for cargo crew x klaviyo use case
Boost the CLV of recent purchasers use case

Providing value to your customers by understanding post-purchase pain points and build deeper customer empathy will allow you to boost your customer lifetime value.

Profile photo of author Emily Riedy
Emily Riedy
3min read
Image shows lemon font on a lavender background that fades into salmon in the lower right corner, where there's a lavender-colored Klaviyo flag. The text reads "Advanced marketing automation: personalization beyond the basics."
Beyond the basics: 7 advanced marketing automation examples

Learn about creative ways to maximize your marketing automation efforts—and keep customers feeling seen and satisfied over time.

Profile photo of author Jax Connelly
Jax Connelly
17min read
Image shows lemon font on a sage green background that fades into lavender in the bottom right corner, where there's a sage-colored Klaviyo flag. The text reads "How to set up marketing automation: creating a strong foundation."
How to set up a strong marketing automation strategy

Before you start setting up your automations, here’s what you need to know about selecting the right tech and determining your marketing automation strategy.

Profile photo of author Jax Connelly
Jax Connelly
17min read
Image features lemon font on a salmon-colored background that fades into lavender in the lower right corner, which features the Klaviyo flag. The text on the image reads "Marketing automation: personalization is a non-negotiable"
What is marketing automation? 4 reasons it matters

Marketing automation allows your business to use hyper-targeted, behavior-triggered messages to reach the right people and drive more repeat sales.

Profile photo of author Jax Connelly
Jax Connelly
9min read
Guide to creating an effective email marketing funnel

9 stages of an effective email marketing funnel, including brand examples and expert insight.

Profile photo of author Annie McGreevy
Annie McGreevy
18min read
In poppy font on a lavender background, image shows text that reads: "The more data we can get in there, the more we can do with it": why Klaviyo is one of the best tools for WooCommerce marketing
How Klaviyo drives ecomm success for WooCommerce brands

Learn when it makes sense to build on WordPress + WooCommerce, what makes Klaviyo one of the best tools for WooCommerce email marketing, and more.

Profile photo of author Jax Connelly
Jax Connelly
28min read
Marketing automation that feels human

What exactly can marketing automation help with? Learn how you can get the most out of it—and make sure it’s not creating more work.

Profile photo of author Tiff Regaudie
Tiff Regaudie
24min read
Adobe ecommerce email marketing: 3 reasons to choose Klaviyo

Learn 3 reasons Adobe Commerce merchants choose Klaviyo for Adobe email marketing—and achieve 100x average ROI on the platform.

Profile photo of author Jax Connelly
Jax Connelly
16min read