Customer data ownership
The the privacy-first web might not be here yet, but consumers (and politicians) continue to demand it. Don't be caught behind the curve. Customer data ownership (i.e. the collection and usage of first-party and zero-party data) is essential for the next era of ecommerce.

Featured customer data ownership articles

In dark salmon on a lighter salmon background that fades into lemon in the lower right corner, text reads, "how to pull off ecommerce personalization." The Klaviyo flag extends from the left side of the image in dark salmon.
Why ecommerce personalization matters—and how to excel at it

Learn why ecommerce personalization is key to business success in 2024 and how to implement it on your website.

Profile photo of author Tiff Regaudie
Tiff Regaudie
10min read
small purple tile with the title of how behavioral targeting works
3 steps to an ethical behavioral targeting strategy

A strong behavioral targeting strategy involves looking at the entirety of first-party customer data, not just isolated data points.

Profile photo of author Jax Connelly
Jax Connelly
13min read
two women looking at a computer
The Customer-First Marketing guide

Learn all about Customer First Marketing. Get to know your customers and design experience prototypes based on those conversations.

Profile photo of author Emily Riedy
Emily Riedy
43min read

Customer data ownership articles

Klaviyo CDP's newest features

Discover the newest enhancements to Klaviyo CDP, allowing our customers to make smarter decisions, faster, with direct paths from insight to action.

Profile photo of author Anthony DelPizzo
woman sitting at her desk writing
Your free RFP Template: 122 questions to ask

Use Klaviyo’s free RFP template to discern what marketing automation tool is right for you during the vendor evaluation process.

Profile photo of author Jax Connelly
Jax Connelly
23min read
In white font on a salmon background, image reads, "activate both in-person & online customer data to grow omnichannel revenue." The Klaviyo flag stands out in the background behind the letters, and underneath them, the Klaviyo logo is positioned to the left of the Marine Layer logo.
Activate both in-person and online customer data to grow omnichannel revenue

A strong foundation of data feeds you a 360-degree, up-to-date view of your customers—and it’s the only way to deliver a consistent brand and customer experience.

Profile photo of author Jax Connelly
Jax Connelly
3min read
Image shows a red background with lighter, all caps text reading WHY OWNED CHANNELS ARE ESSENTIAL
Why owned channels are essential

Learn why owned channels are key to thriving in today’s consumer landscape and why you should diversify your marketing by growing your Email & SMS capability.

Profile photo of author Michael Pattison