Customer data ownership
The the privacy-first web might not be here yet, but consumers (and politicians) continue to demand it. Don't be caught behind the curve. Customer data ownership (i.e. the collection and usage of first-party and zero-party data) is essential for the next era of ecommerce.

Customer data ownership articles

man with glasses smiling at the camera in an office
10 models for ESP migration in an unforgiving economy

Learn from industry experts on how to successfully approach your ESP migration in an ever-changing economy with these 10 strong + weak frameworks.

Profile photo of author Jax Connelly
Jax Connelly
30min read
An employee wearing glasses looks out the window of an office.
Legacy tech stacks won't cut it

Enterprise companies need more than a legacy tech stack to create omnichannel personalized marketing at scale. Klaviyo CDP is an option.

Profile photo of author Jax Connelly
Jax Connelly
15min read
A person wearing a button-up shirt writes something on a clipboard in an office setting.
Execs reveal barriers to personalization at scale

Personalization at scale with the right automation platform helps businesses of all sizes grow more efficiently. Learn how.

Profile photo of author Jax Connelly
Jax Connelly
19min read
retain customer beyond the holiday
7 Ways to Collect Customer-First Data™

Learn how the holiday sales playbook has changed and discover real-life examples to retain customers using post holiday using customer-first data.

Profile photo of author Kaleigh Moore
Kaleigh Moore
14min read
pregnant blonde woman putting items in a box
You won’t miss third-party data

Klaviyo CMO, Kady Srinivasan offers advice for third-party data: it is dead. Digital experiences should be personalized to scale with Customer-First Data™.

Profile photo of author Kady Srinivasan
Kady Srinivasan
10min read