Marketing automation
Marketing automation is how you scale businesses and leverage the power of technology to 10x the capabilities of a single employee (without burning them out in the process). From email and SMS marketing flows, to data segmentation triggers and so much more, the power of automation removes manual tasks, and can save your team hours each week to refocus on higher priority work.

Marketing automation articles

Image shows hands typing on a laptop.
Best practices for browse abandonment subject lines

To help you increase your open rates, learn which browse abandonment email subject lines are the most common, and which subject lines don’t work.

Profile photo of author Phil Weltman
Phil Weltman
8min read
Sunset flows for better open rates

Learn two ways you can sunset inactive subscribers from your email marketing campaigns to increase open rates and improve your deliverability.

Profile photo of author Ott Niggulis
Ott Niggulis
6min read
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Top 3 flash sale email templates

Flash sales require careful planning to be run successfully. This outline will cover what you should include in your flash sale email templates.

Profile photo of author Marissa Petteruti