Email marketing
Once touted as a “dead” marketing channel, email marketing is back on the rise––accounting for 30% or more of ecommerce brands’ revenue. Better yet, its high ROI and profitability make it one of the best marketing channels to double down on in bear or bull markets.

Email marketing articles

Image has text that reads "Rethink email marketing metrics"
Email marketing
Mar 7, 2024
8 email marketing metrics that matter

Learn about the key email marketing metrics you should track along with actionable steps on how to improve each one.

Profile photo of author Tiff Regaudie
Tiff Regaudie
8min read
In salmon font on a lavender background, text on the right side of the image reads, "6 April Fools' Day marketing ideas." On the left side of the image is a photo of two men laughing, watermarked in lavender behind an outline of the Klaviyo flag in salmon.
Email marketing
Feb 22, 2024
6 April Fools' Day email marketing ideas & examples

April Fools’ Day may be one of the toughest days of the year for brands to take advantage of. Here are 6 April Fools’ day marketing ideas to consider in 2024.

Profile photo of author Marissa Petteruti
In white font over a sage background, image reads, "your game plan to win March Madness email marketing." Underneath that in smaller black font, text reads, "5 strategies + 4 brand examples."
Email marketing
Feb 13, 2024
5 strategies to win March Madness email marketing

March Madness email marketing campaigns are a smart way for your brand to increase sales or even just build more loyalty with your existing subscribers.

Profile photo of author Phil Weltman
Phil Weltman
11min read
Toward the right side, image is split diagonally down the middle between a light sage background on the left and a darker sage background on the right. The copy on the image reads, "Creative St. Patrick's Day campaign examples," with the font changing from dark to light sage when it hits the diagonal divider line.
Email marketing
Feb 7, 2024
13 creative St. Patrick’s Day email marketing examples

St Patrick’s Day is a great opportunity to close Q1 with a spike in revenue. Here are 13 St Patrick’s Day email examples to kickstart your holiday campaign.

Profile photo of author Marissa Petteruti
In lavender font on a lemon background, image shows the Klaviyo flag followed by the copy, "Top 9 email marketing automations to set up right now." On the right of the image is an in-platform image of what it looks like to schedule a flow in the back end of Klaviyo.
Email marketing
Feb 1, 2024
The top 9 email marketing automations to set up right now

Inspired by top-performing brands, here are 9 email marketing automation examples you can set up tomorrow to start generating more revenue.

Profile photo of author Tiff Regaudie
Tiff Regaudie
16min read
Image has a light salmon background with the Klaviyo flag in cotton in the center. Dark salmon text across the top half of the image reads "Valentine's Day marketing ideas." Smaller black text across the bottom, under the flag, reads, "Make your customers fall in love with your brand."
Email marketing
Jan 19, 2024
11 Valentine's Day marketing ideas for 2024

Here are 11 ways to make the most out of your Valentine’s Day marketing campaign to improve communication and increase conversions.

Profile photo of author Tiff Regaudie
Tiff Regaudie
14min read
An article feature image for a blog about email newsletter examples
Email marketing
Dec 19, 2023
10 email newsletter examples that sell

Get inspired by these 10 different email newsletter formats from different brands and steal some ideas to level up yours.

Profile photo of author Annie McGreevy
Annie McGreevy
11min read
Email marketing
Dec 19, 2023
How to create a newsletter: 10 steps to conversions

Your complete guide to creating a newsletter, including why, when to send, + brand examples.

Profile photo of author Annie McGreevy
Annie McGreevy
10min read
In lavender font over an image of a woman working at a laptop with her hair pulled into a bun, text reads, "6 email marketing strategy examples." The Klaviyo flag is in the lower left corner in lavender, and a lavender line dissects the image diagonally over the lower right corner.
Email marketing
Dec 18, 2023
6 examples of email marketing strategy from real brands

A strategic breakdown of 6 email campaigns from real brands, complete with tactical execution and results to inspire your campaigns.

Profile photo of author Tiff Regaudie
Tiff Regaudie
11min read