Email marketing
Once touted as a “dead” marketing channel, email marketing is back on the rise––accounting for 30% or more of ecommerce brands’ revenue. Better yet, its high ROI and profitability make it one of the best marketing channels to double down on in bear or bull markets.

Email marketing articles

In poppy font on a lavender background, image reads, "list growth strategies: 4 list growth use cases that leverage a/b testing." The Klaviyo flag is in the lower right corner of the image.
Email marketing
Apr 2, 2024
4 creative use cases for email & SMS list growth

Discover strategies for accelerating email list growth. Learn how brands like Creekside Nursery and Bearpaw use A/B testing to boost conversions and revenue.

Profile photo of author Tiff Regaudie
Tiff Regaudie
8min read
In sage capital letters on a cotton brown background with the Klaviyo flag cut out in a lighter shade, image reads, "Memorial Day email campaigns."
Email marketing
Mar 22, 2024
Your Memorial Day marketing guide

We’ve scoured Klaviyo’s massive email database to come up with 5 of the most common and effective email content strategy approaches for your Memorial Day campaign.

Profile photo of author Bani Kaur
Bani Kaur
15min read
Email marketing
Mar 21, 2024
7 ways to reduce your unsubscribe rate for increased retention and engagement

Your unsubscribe rate might seem like a minor metric, but it’s a key piece of your marketing strategy.

Profile photo of author nathandoverspike
Email marketing
Mar 21, 2024
Rev up your revenue: 3 tactics to improve repeat purchase rate

Here are 3 practical ways to improve your repeat purchase rate today by leveraging your data to craft a repeat purchase rate strategy.

Profile photo of author erinaguilar
10min read
Image shows a woman looking at a computer with white text that reads "5 steps to improve placed order rates"
Email marketing
Mar 14, 2024
5 steps to improve placed order rates

Placed order rate is an important metric for brands to pay attention to. Here are 5 steps to improve your placed order rate when it appears lower than expected.

Profile photo of author calebsimpson
10min read
Image shows 2 people working and has white text on red that reads "7 ways you can—and should—still use open rate data"
Email marketing
Mar 14, 2024
7 ways to leverage email open rates post iOS 15

Learn how you can still leverage email open rate metrics to move your marketing strategy forward, even if the data may seem irrelevant.

Profile photo of author Ben Zettler
Ben Zettler
9min read
Email marketing
Mar 12, 2024
5 email marketing tips & tricks from Noah Kagan

Noah Kagan, CEO of AppSumo, talks about tips you can use to optimize your email marketing efforts. Learn about strategies like A/B testing and survey segments.

Profile photo of author Tiff Regaudie
Tiff Regaudie
5min read
Image background is split into two halves: a sage green half on the left with the Klaviyo flag outlined in white, and an image of a mom and her elementary-school-aged daughter stretched out on the floor, laughing, on the right. In the middle of the image, stretched evenly over both backgrounds, large capital letters in white read, "Mother's Day marketing." Within the outline of the Klaviyo flag, smaller black copy running perpendicular to the image headline reads, "10 examples."
Email marketing
Mar 7, 2024
10 Mother's Day marketing examples to inspire your brand

Here’s 10 Mother’s Day marketing examples from different brands to inspire and help you capture growing revenue opportunities during the spring celebration.

Profile photo of author Emily Riedy
Emily Riedy
14min read
Image has text that reads "Click rate is King" in large letters and smaller text that says "earn subscribers attention and clicks"
Email marketing
Mar 7, 2024
8 email click rate tactics to engage subscribers [+examples]

A complete guide to improving click rates, including expert insight and brand.

Profile photo of author Annie McGreevy
Annie McGreevy
15min read