Email marketing
Once touted as a “dead” marketing channel, email marketing is back on the rise––accounting for 30% or more of ecommerce brands’ revenue. Better yet, its high ROI and profitability make it one of the best marketing channels to double down on in bear or bull markets.

Email marketing articles

Image shows several examples of personalized email blasts, with a lavender Klaviyo logo on a lemon background
Email marketing
Aug 3, 2023
How to create email blasts that aren’t spam: the secret’s in the audience segmentation

Conventional email blasts haven’t worked since 2012. Learn what makes an email blast good—and how to create and send email blasts that aren’t spammy.

Profile photo of author Tiff Regaudie
Tiff Regaudie
21min read
Email marketing
Jun 27, 2023
Beyond "Shop Now": how to inspire action with email CTAs

Creating a high-performing CTA is harder than you think. Learn about email CTA types and best practices, with 12 examples from real ecomm stores.

Profile photo of author Tiff Regaudie
Tiff Regaudie
17min read
Email marketing
May 23, 2023
Email segmentation tools have evolved

Learn how email segmentation technology has evolved and how a marketing platform like Klaviyo can help you make the most of it.

Profile photo of author Tiff Regaudie
Tiff Regaudie
9min read
Email marketing
Apr 28, 2023
How to hire email marketing experts

An email marketing campaign should be run by an email marketing specialist who knows how to set everything up. Learn how to hire one with an effective strategy.

Profile photo of author Mae Rice
Mae Rice
15min read
On a background that fades from lavender on the left side of the image to salmon in the upper right corner and lemon in the bottom right corner, white text reads "email subject line principles to increase open rates." The Klaviyo flag is in lavender in the bottom right corner.
Email marketing
Apr 28, 2023
8 email subject line best practices to boost open rates

Check out these best practices for creating email subject lines that resonate with your audience and increase email engagement.

Profile photo of author Tiff Regaudie
Tiff Regaudie
13min read