Email marketing
Once touted as a “dead” marketing channel, email marketing is back on the rise––accounting for 30% or more of ecommerce brands’ revenue. Better yet, its high ROI and profitability make it one of the best marketing channels to double down on in bear or bull markets.

Email marketing articles

Image has text that reads "Flash sale ideas with templates and examples"
Email marketing
Aug 8, 2024
Flash sale email template ideas

Discover flash sale email template ideas and examples to drive engagement. Learn how to spark urgency and enhance subject lines with AI for successful campaigns.

Profile photo of author Gabrielle Pitman
In salmon font on a light brown background, stacked capital letters read, "supercharge your emails." In smaller black copy below that, image reads, "email campaign best practices."
Email marketing
Aug 5, 2024
11 ways to optimize your email marketing campaigns

Improve your email campaign conversion rates with proven optimization and best practices. Highly effective for driving conversion rates and growth.

Profile photo of author Court Bishop
Court Bishop
13min read
Email marketing
Aug 1, 2024
August BFCM checklist

Preparations for BFCM in August are critical for success during black friday/cyber monday. Learn how factors like paid traffic and BFCM roadmaps can help you.

Profile photo of author Joseph Hsieh
Joseph Hsieh
6min read
In capital white letters on a sage green background, copy in the upper left corner of the image reads, "benefits of email marketing." In smaller black font underneath that, copy reads, "for ecommerce brands in 2024." In the lower right corner of the image is a circular cutout photograph of two people sitting in front of a laptop, smiling and chatting.
Email marketing
Jul 24, 2024
8 benefits of email marketing in 2024

Discover the benefits of email marketing. From personalized communication to enhanced brand awareness, learn about the advantages of email marketing today.

Profile photo of author Vivek Shankar
Vivek Shankar
8min read
Email marketing
Jul 24, 2024
Q&A: Inside Helen of Troy's switch to Klaviyo

We spoke with Helen of Troy’s home and outdoor division leaders about their switch to Klaviyo for email, SMS, and now CDP—and why they’re glad they did it.

Profile photo of author Mae Rice
Mae Rice
10min read