Omnichannel marketing
Omnichannel marketing is integrated and channel-optimized marketing based on how customers actually shop––which is, everywhere! From your online store to your brick-and-mortar and everything in between, omnichannel marketing requires organization, project management, and an effective tech stack to power it all.

Omnichannel marketing articles

seo for ecommerce
SEO for ecommerce: how to boost you rankings

SEO can be one of the highest performing channels for ecommerce stores. Learn how to maximize your organic visibility and traffic.

Profile photo of author Chris Newton
Chris Newton
17min read
person with one hand on a computer and the other on a calculator
Calculating customer lifetime value (CLV)

Learn how to use a Customer Lifetime Value Calculator to evaluate your marketing strategy, segment your customers, and map out a plan to grow.

Profile photo of author Chris Newton
Chris Newton
10min read
looalike audiences holiday marketing
What’s a lookalike audience?

Find out how to identify your best customers based on CLTV and use them in Facebook Lookalike audiences to grow your list.

Profile photo of author Emily Roberts
Emily Roberts
7min read