Tonya Gordon
Tonya Gordon
Tonya Gordon brings more than 2 decades of experience both on the sending and receiving sides of email deliverability. Before Klaviyo, Tonya most recently worked for an MTA provider focusing on setting ESPs up for success with their deliverability and infrastructure best practices. As the manager of the deliverability strategy professional services team, Tonya and her team put their experience to work helping some of Klaviyo's largest and most strategic brands by empowering them to own their own destiny and get the most out of their Klaviyo experience.
Posts by this author
Tonya Gordon
Aug 15, 2024
Deliverability tips for sending to Yahoo

Improve Yahoo email deliverability with six best practices. Learn how tips like personalization and consistency can help you respond to new sender requirements.

Profile photo of author Tonya Gordon
Tonya Gordon
4min read
Image shows text that reads "Engagement-based email segmentation"
Tonya Gordon
May 23, 2024
3 key benefits of engagement-based email segmentation

Discover the benefits of engagement-based email segmentation. Learn how to create a schedule based on subscriber engagement to boost deliverability and reduce spam.

Profile photo of author Tonya Gordon
Tonya Gordon
6min read
In white font on a lavender background, capital letters read "BRANDED SENDING DOMAINS." Underneath that in smaller white font, copy reads, "3 reasons branded sending domains are industry best practice."
Tonya Gordon
Apr 4, 2024
The importance of a branded sending domain

Here are 3 reasons why a branded sending domain is an important best practice for email deliverability and brand building—and why you should set one up.

Profile photo of author Tonya Gordon
Tonya Gordon
5min read