Scott Segel
Scott Segel
Scott is the director of agency partnerships at Klaviyo and he's on a mission to help partners and their clients grow their businesses through Klaviyo’s partner program. Prior to Klaviyo, Scott spent several years building online brand communities at his own startup. When he’s not thinking about partnerships, he’s often cooking, playing the ukulele, or traveling the world in search of tasty snacks.
Posts by this author
Scott Segel
May 1, 2024
Introducing the Klaviyo Partner Portal

Learn about the benefits of the Klaviyo Partner Portal and how we’ve expanded our partner ecosystem to meet the needs of our customers.

Profile photo of author Scott Segel
Scott Segel
5min read
We look over someone's shoulder as they work on marketing flows in an open laptop.
Scott Segel
May 13, 2021
Your migration off Bronto, made easy

You don’t have to face your migration off of Bronto alone. Learn how Klaviyo’s agency partners can help you every step of the way.

Profile photo of author Scott Segel
Scott Segel
5min read