WooCommerce + Klaviyo

WooCommerce brands drive 46x average ROI with Klaviyo

How? Klaviyo’s extension consolidates data from across your tech, making it easy to streamline personalised email and SMS, product reviews, and more to drive revenue.

It’s your data, use it to grow

Our extension for WooCommerce includes pre-built behaviours and metadata (like value, variant name, quantity, and discount codes). Use this data to build powerful campaigns, flows, and reports.

Pre-built ecommerce behaviors include:

  • Active on site
  • Ordered product
  • Fulfilled order
  • Placed order
  • Refunded orders
  • Started checkout

Personalisation quickly paid off. With Klaviyo, we were able to better target customers and our average order value jumped 67% year on year.

Riad Afyouni
Marketing director, Born Interactive

Everyone benefits from streamlined tech

When you integrate your WooCommerce store with Klaviyo, you can work smarter, not harder—getting the most out of every customer interaction.

Improve efficiencies with:

*The top 75th percentile of all paying WooCommerce accounts throughout 2023 (no free accounts)