AI that brings your marketing dreams to life

Segment creation. Form optimisation. Predictive insights. And more.
Klaviyo AI is your guide to smarter digital relationships.

Strategic insights of your dreams, made real with customer data

Just check your marketing crystal ball, built right into the platform.

Review sentiment AI: New Find out what’s sparking joy. Spot emerging trends. Identify potential issues before they escalate.

Predictive analytics: Foresee next order date, lifetime value, spending potential, time between orders, churn risk, and more.

Personalised product feeds: Automatically show customers what they’re more likely to buy.

Industry-specific benchmarks: See how you stack up against brands like yours, so you can focus efforts on the right levers.

Faster creation to free up time and headspace

Flows AI: New Take the guesswork out of building flows. Just describe what you’re going for, and Klaviyo AI builds it instantly.

Segments AI: Who would you like to target? Say it in plain language, and bam—your segment is built.

Email AI: Draft effective subject lines in no time, and then generate email content just as easily.

SMS AI: Instantly spin up SMS campaigns. Quickly reply to incoming texts with suggested responses.

Reviews AI: Suggested headlines help customers write impactful reviews. Reply just as easily with AI-written drafts.

Effortless optimisation that fine-tunes while you sleep

Personalised campaigns: New This special A/B test learns which version resonates with which person, so they all get what they want.

A/B testing: Find the winning subject line, image, offer, CTA, or other needle-mover.

Forms display optimisation: Timing is everything. Boost completion rates by optimising when sign-up forms appear on your site.

Guided warming: Klaviyo AI automatically ramps up sending to boost deliverability and protect your sender reputation.

Smart send time: No more relying on broad best practices for when to hit send. Klaviyo AI optimises for your unique audience.


Klaviyo AI delivered immediate results for Tata Harper skincare

“Our AI testing experience definitely made me excited to play with the other new Klaviyo AI features, because it was so hands-off and delivered immediate results.”

—Alexandra Barlowe, DTC email and SMS marketing director